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Sunday 12 May 2013

Pranayama and quality time for oneself!

We spend time and effort for others, for job, and for one desires. Very few of us have time for ourselves. Even if we have, we don’t know how to spend the time for ourselves in a useful way. In the name of spending time for ourselves, we only get busy in satisfying all our repressed desires. We are usually busy in getting some sensual pleasure or entertainment which again leaves us drained and tired. How to spend time for oneself when all our senses, mind and body are in a mad rush after ‘things’? Even when it comes to the things that we like the most, we are not able to really be there with all our body, senses, mind and heart. We are just drifting away mechanically in the current of life, till we discover we are too old and worn out to be able to do anything worthwhile! To be able to spend time for oneself, we first have to gain the skill of being with oneself.
One of the best ways to gain this skill is by the practice of ‘pranayama’. Pranayama is a timeless secret that was part of every mystic and philosophical tradition in the world. The most systematic version of pranayama is taught in the traditions of Vedanta and Yoga. Traditional Vedanta and yoga are the back bone of all the esoteric traditions from the east like Taoism, Zen, other schools of Buddhism and Tantra. Pranayama is the art of slowing down the force of habits and compulsions in us using specific techniques to regulate the natural urge to breathe and make it obey our conscuoius intention. This stops the ‘mad rush’ that goes on in the back ground and makes us available for ourselves. Then the mind is fit for meditation or for any conscious pursuit that is not opposed to dharma. Pranayama awakens the austerity of purpose and brings passion in the moment . Pranayama will clear the psycho somatic noise in our mind – body and we will feel like a new gateway to perception has opened within us. When combined with some very simple physical stretches, changes in our way of life and attitude, pranayama can bring in us a lasting transformation. It reduces strife and nourishes life. Now pls don’t ‘google’ pranayama. It has to be learnt from a traditional teacher in a specially created context for learning. Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya! Om Tat Sat. Yogeshvar Karthik

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